How offering Fresh Food is fast becoming the expected go-to of modern workplaces.
Is your business keeping up??

Promoting health and community in the workplace are essential but it’s time we started looking at both differently. Is your workplace doing anything that directly supports workplace wellness or is it simply talking around the edges?

The “Great WorkFromHome” changed so many things, not least of which the Employee Value Proposition. Employees are now expecting more from employers, in fact, they are demanding more.

As an employer of choice, you must weigh up the financial costs of increased employee benefits with both their perceived and real value.

From bonuses to offering childcare, from study days to retreats, from meditation spaces to enforced meeting-free hours across the company – some benefits are inexpensive, others very costly, some are short term and others benefit only a portion of your workforce.

What if there was one benefit that was both inexpensive (or free!), that would benefit all employees in both the short and long term and would have a huge impact?

Well, there is. Food.

Food, and fresh food in particular is one of the least expensive benefits you can offer your staff, it benefits everyone and yields huge dividends. Read on to learn how you can be offering food to your workforce at zero cost to your business.

I’m not going to insult your intelligence by extolling the benefits of fresh food to a person’s physical and mental wellbeing, their productivity, and their overall satisfaction but I am going to present a super simple proposition.

If you were able to offer your workforce fresh food, healthy and nutritious ready-made meals, delicious, antioxidant packed juices, bakery and the snacks and treats they know and love, as well as barista quality coffee every single day.

Would you do it?

If you knew that companies & workplaces across Australia were already doing so and reaping incredible rewards in terms of employee happiness, satisfaction, loyalty and productivity.

Now would you be more interested?

And what if you could offer all of this at absolutely no cost to you or your business.





Im guessing that I now have your attention, but I hear you saying – how is that even possible and what is the catch?

Firstly, I’m going to address the elephant in the room and assure you that there is no catch.

  • No gimmicks,
  • No small print,
  • No gotchas and
  • No surprises.

A Provender GrabNGo Micro Market is a modular, fully customisable, unattended, self-serve food service, operating 24/7, that is built inside your workplace break room and is serviced, filled, merchandised, and stocked entirely by Provender.

Yep, we do the lot.

This costs you nothing.

We supply the fridges, shelving, modules, equipment, coffee vending machines, security, and payment kiosk.

We merchandise, order, restock and fill your Micro Market daily or multiple times per week.

We design it.

We build it.

We install it.

We supply it.

AND it STILL costs you nothing.


So, what is stopping you from having a Micro Market inside your break room?

Customers such as Amazon, Linfox, Harvey Norman, Universal Store, Weir, ING and Eastlink have all installed Provender GrabNGo Micro Markets in their break rooms. They are already providing their staff with incredible choices of fresh and nutritious food, snacks and bakery, ready-made meals and drinks, in their break rooms, 24/7.

The feedback is phenomenal:

“I save so much time and money by not have to go to the café for lunch each day”

“I work the early shift and the breakfast options in the break room are better than I could make at home”

“My friends are jealous that my company provides a huge range of fresh food everyday”

If you have 80 or more staff onsite each day, call us today to learn how, at no cost to your business, you too could have a Micro Market installed and be offering your staff incredible food, choice and convenience all day, every day.